Have you heard that many of the big Australian energy companies talking down the Renewable Energy Target in the media? Twenty percent renewables by the year 2020 is what it is currently set at, but they want it lower! Not on my watch! Let make it higher.
The great news is that energy demand from the big dirty generators is falling due to Australians taking matter into their own hands and installing solar photovoltaics and solar hot water en masse. People like me and you have installed over 1.7 GW of solar on over 750,000 of our homes. Now that is something to be proud of. It is estimated that the trend will continue with a capacity of 2.3 GW of solar PV by the end of the year. Great work one and all!
But that only accounts for roughly 2.5% of Australia’s total electricity generation capacity, but if it increased, that would put a big dent in corporate profits for the fossil fuel electricity generators. That is one of the reasons why they want the RET decreased, not increased.
100% Renewables, the ACF and others like me are helping citizens have a voice. This is via The Peoples RET Review. Heres the skinny;
Vote for clean energy
It’s working! Pollution in Australia is actually dropping and we’ve switched off 3,000 MW of dirty, coal-fired generation as a result of the combined impact of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) and the price on carbon pollution. But some big power companies and industry lobby groups want to slow the development of renewables in Australia. Their money and lobbying power gives them a voice, but what about ordinary citizens? 100% Renewable, ACF and our allies are running the People’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) Review. This week Australians can tell decision makers what kind of energy future we want.
Have your say in the People’s RET Review or visit www.peoplesretreview.org.au to vote.”