It has been a sad week. Kim and I have been grieving the loss of her mother, Pam. We each have gone about it in our own way, coming together often for hugs and tears.
To reflect and grieve, I have been practicing gardening therapy, which is something that I discovered a while back. It always helps me get over the blues or a funk that I sometimes get into.
What did I have to lose by thrusting my hands into the soil and by getting stuck into planting more veg or harvesting our winter crops? Nothing to lose at all, and everything to gain, especially a sense of fulfilment and joy that one rarely experiences from other endeavours in their life. Well that is how it affects me.
During the show I mentioned a study that may go some way to explaining why gardening helps combat depression and aids in mental health. It studied allotment gardeners asked to perform a stressful task and how gardening work lowered their stress levels quicker than a control group where were asked to read after the same task. According to the authors, gardening elicits powerful neuroendocrine responses that relieve acute stress parameters in a very measurable way. Very interesting indeed.
So please join me by listening to this episode titled Gardening Therapy, and hear how I have been busy getting therapy in my own special way.