Interspersed throughout this week, I will posting green video messages from the 1970’s. This was the era that was struck with two energy crisis and experienced huge spikes in prices and shortages of oil, similar to where we were heading before we had the financial melt down. The U.S. had a half decent President willing to make tough decisions in the form of Jimmy Carter. Jimmy even had solar PV on the white house roof. These panels was later removed by Ronald Regan when greed and not conservation became the new political dogma (remember the 80’s movie Wall Street and Gordon Gecko – "Greed is good").
So to get a feel for the era, here is a speech given by President Carter about the energy crisis. I watched it and thought to myself that President Obama will probably have the give exactly the same speech in a few years time. What a shock it will to the American people and indeed the globe to see history repeating itself. I can’t help but think if we would even be worried about climate change if we continued down the path first set out in this decade. It is something to ponder about, because we can’t change the past, just the future. Let hope that we all act in unison real soon.
Enjoy the green 70’s week!
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